Question: What is the statistical link?
Answer: A statistical link is part of our website statistic system that allows you to add a link on your webpage going directly to your website’s statistics page which anyone visiting your website can check out and see how popular your website is.
Question: Why do I need a statistical link?
Answer: If you would like to share your website’s statistics with the visitors to your website then you will need a statistical link which goes directly to our site and shows the statistics of the visitors to your website. Some webmasters like the idea of sharing this data while others do not.
Question: What if I do not want to share my statistical data?
Answer: If you only want the counter to appear on your website and not the link to your account’s statistical data then whilst signing up, simply select “NO” for the statistical link. You will still need to have the counter on your website as per our T.O.S. (Terms of Service), but you are not required to share your website’s statistical data with all of your website’s visitors.
When setting up your website statistics account you will be given a number of options to choose from. For starters you will be asked whether you will want a statistical link and by choosing “YES”, you will have a clickable link for which to share your website’s statistical data with the visitors of your website. However you are not required to share this information and you may also choose “NO” for the statistical link choice in which there will be no link generated and the only access to the data will be available only to you through your actual account page.
It is important to remember that once you make this choice, you will not be able to change as of our current setup. In other words if you choose to not have a statistical link and then later decide you want to have one, as of right now this will not be possible. This does not mean that you will not be able to change this later; it just means that as of right now this option is not available. We do apologise in advance for any inconveniences that this may cause.
It is important to remember that according to our T.O.S. (Terms of Service) you are required to use the counter. We use an automated program known as a spider which does check to see if websites using our services are conforming to our T.O.S> and if it does find that you are not using the counter properly it will automatically delete your account. We apologise if this causes any inconvenience but the program is automatic and cannot be reversed once it occurs; you will have to open a new account.